Dena Gayhart

Dena Gayhart

Proud food fan. Freelance tvaholic. Certified pop culture aficionado. General zombie practitioner. Evil food specialist.

46 Posts Written
Will Herpes Ever Be Cured?

Will Herpes Ever Be Cured?

Herpes is a virus that can affect the mouth or genitals, and there is currently no cure for it. However, treatments are...

Can Herpes Be Cured? An Expert's Perspective

Can Herpes Be Cured? An Expert's Perspective

Genital herpes is a lifelong infection, and there is no cure for it. However, there are treatments that can reduce the...

Curing Genital Herpes: An Expert's Guide

Curing Genital Herpes: An Expert's Guide

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that is spread through physical contact with damp areas of the...

Will herpes ever be cured?

Will herpes ever be cured?

Will herpes ever be cured?Genital Herpes Treatment and Care There is no cure for genital herpes. However, daily use of...

Why Herpes is Incurable: An Expert's Perspective

Why Herpes is Incurable: An Expert's Perspective

Herpes is a widespread virus that has been difficult to cure due to its nature. It can hide in a person's nerve cells for ...

How Long Does Herpes Take to Heal?

How Long Does Herpes Take to Heal?

The average incubation period for an initial herpes dating infection is 4 days (interval, 2 to 1 after exposure). The...

What is the Genital Herpes Cure?

What is the Genital Herpes Cure?

Genital herpes is a highly contagious virus that can cause painful sores and blisters in the genital area. Unfortunately, ...

Can Herpes Be Cured? An Expert's Perspective

Can Herpes Be Cured? An Expert's Perspective

Treatment for herpes may include antiviral medications such as acyclovir or valacyclovir. While these medications can...

How to Treat Cold Sores: Natural Remedies and Medications

How to Treat Cold Sores: Natural Remedies and Medications

Cold sores are painful blisters that appear on the surface of the skin around the mouth or lips. About 67 percent of...

How Long Until Herpes is Cured? A Comprehensive Look at the Latest Research

How Long Until Herpes is Cured? A Comprehensive Look at the Latest Research

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) or type 2...

Is Herpes Cure Possible? A Comprehensive Guide

Is Herpes Cure Possible? A Comprehensive Guide

Treatment for herpes may include antiviral medications such as acyclovir or valacyclovir. While there is currently no...

Are cold sores curable?

Are cold sores curable?

Cold sores have no cure, but treatment can help control outbreaks. Prescription antiviral pills or creams may help sores...

Can Acyclovir Treat Yeast Infections?

Can Acyclovir Treat Yeast Infections?

Viral vaginitis is a virus that can be treated with antiviral medicines such as acyclovir, valacyclovir, and famciclovir. ...

Can You Cure Herpes on the Lips?

Can You Cure Herpes on the Lips?

Herpes on the lips is a painful and uncomfortable condition that is caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV)....

Is Herpes Curable with Antiviral Medications?

Is Herpes Curable with Antiviral Medications?

Genital herpes is a common sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). Unfortunately,...

How to Treat Herpes on Lips: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Treat Herpes on Lips: A Comprehensive Guide

Herpes on the lips is a common condition caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). It can cause painful blisters and...

When is the Best Time to Treat Herpes?

When is the Best Time to Treat Herpes?

When it comes to treating herpes, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Medications can be used to control outbreaks,...

Is There Ever Going to be a Herpes Cure?

Is There Ever Going to be a Herpes Cure?

Like the common cold, herpes is a widespread disease with no cure. People infected with the herpes virus are infected for ...

How to Treat Herpes and Manage Outbreaks

How to Treat Herpes and Manage Outbreaks

Herpes is a common virus that can cause painful outbreaks, but there are treatments available to help manage the...

Herpes: Understanding the Virus and Its Treatment

Herpes: Understanding the Virus and Its Treatment

Genital herpes is one of the most dreaded and least known sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It is caused by the...

Are We Any Closer to a Cure for Herpes?

Are We Any Closer to a Cure for Herpes?

Scientists are currently exploring the possibility of a vaccine to cure herpes, despite eight decades of effort. It will...

Which Herpes Treatment is the Most Effective?

Which Herpes Treatment is the Most Effective?

Genital herpes is a common sexually transmitted infection, and its symptoms can vary from person to person and outbreak...

Why Can't We Cure Herpes Yet?

Why Can't We Cure Herpes Yet?

It will still be a long time before the first human trials of gene therapy to cure herpes are conducted. According to...

What Triggers Herpes Outbreaks? - An Expert's Guide

What Triggers Herpes Outbreaks? - An Expert's Guide

Genital herpes is a highly contagious virus that is primarily spread through sexual contact. It is estimated that around...

Herpes Cure: A New Hope for Sufferers

Herpes Cure: A New Hope for Sufferers

For those who have been living with herpes for years, the news of a potential cure is a beacon of hope. Keith Jerome and...

Is a Herpes Cure on the Horizon?

Is a Herpes Cure on the Horizon?

For the past eight decades, scientists have been searching for a cure for herpes, a virus that affects millions of people ...

How to Speed Up Herpes Healing

How to Speed Up Herpes Healing

Herpes is a viral infection that can cause sores, blisters, or painful lesions, often on the mouth or genitals. While...

Is Herpes Curable? Understanding the Facts

Is Herpes Curable? Understanding the Facts

Herpes is a virus that can affect the mouth or genitals, and is caused by HSV. Although it is not curable, it can be...

How to Treat and Manage Herpes Outbreaks

How to Treat and Manage Herpes Outbreaks

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that can cause painful sores and blisters in the genital area....

When Will a Herpes Cure Be Available?

When Will a Herpes Cure Be Available?

The recent development of a vaccine for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is a cause for celebration for many...

Hope for a Herpes Cure: Exploring the Possibilities

Hope for a Herpes Cure: Exploring the Possibilities

Genital herpes is a lifelong condition that can cause painful and uncomfortable outbreaks. While there is no cure for...

Why is Herpes Curable? A Comprehensive Guide

Why is Herpes Curable? A Comprehensive Guide

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by two types of virus: the herpes simplex virus type 1...

Why There is No Cure for Herpes

Why There is No Cure for Herpes

Herpes is a virus that has been around for centuries, and unfortunately, there is no cure for it. Antiviral medications...

Is Herpes Curable on the Mouth?

Is Herpes Curable on the Mouth?

There is no treatment that can completely eradicate the herpes virus from the body. Once you have been infected, it will...

When Will We See a Cure for Herpes?

When Will We See a Cure for Herpes?

It's been a long time since the first experiments on gene therapy to cure herpes began, and it looks like it will still...

Can We Cure Herpes? Exploring the Possibilities

Can We Cure Herpes? Exploring the Possibilities

Genital herpes is a virus that has no known cure. However, antiviral medications can be used to prevent or shorten...

Can We Cure Herpes? Exploring the Possibilities

Can We Cure Herpes? Exploring the Possibilities

Genital herpes is a virus that has no known cure. However, antiviral medications can be used to prevent or shorten...

Why Do I Keep Getting Herpes Outbreaks All of a Sudden?

Why Do I Keep Getting Herpes Outbreaks All of a Sudden?

Herpes outbreaks can be triggered by a variety of factors, such as illness, stress, and hormonal changes. When the virus...

Can Herpes Be Cured? An Expert's Perspective

Can Herpes Be Cured? An Expert's Perspective

Herpes is a virus that can cause painful blisters and sores, and it is one of the most common sexually transmitted...